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Rebel without a cause!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A new world

Physicist Stephen Hawking is calling for efforts to populate outer space. He cites the danger of life surviving on earth and wants human colonies to be established in outer space so that the race survives in case anything happens to mother earth. He says that it is feasible for self supporting colonies to be established in moon in the next 20 years and in mars in the next 40.

A whole new world awaits us outside the earth. And clearly efforts must be made to make human habitations outside. It would be difficult and tough as all things are in the beginning but who knows maybe 300 years from now, people will be applying for visa at the embassy of moon in New York.

But while we dream of such remarkable things, it doesnt mean that we can treat earth's fate casually. For the fact remains that it will support the bulk of the people for a long time. And the problems that it face are enormous and these should get the higher priority. Problems like global warming, nuclear war etc.

In populating outer space, perhaps the excitement is akin to that which was there in Europe when America was discovered.


concerned citizen said...

I feel the same thing. I get upset when people want to concentrate on down here. In my secular humanist veiws, i feel mankind must always be reaching for the stars. I think that might be our destiny.

Not that we should ignore the planet Earth, of course. It is to our benifit to keep it liveable.

Mosilager said...

I always wanted to live on Mars...
in Western Europe they are willing to sacrifice economic growth for environmental benefits but it is a shame the US is not willing to do the same. I don't think that anyone can predict what the outcome of environmental degradation is on the planet... I think there are 3 schools of thought - 1 is that we're all going to die and the second is that the scientists will find a way out of the mess. Let's hope the scientists win! The third is that the Earth itself will find a way to get rid of us (more tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes etc.) Anyway it'll be a fun 1000 years.

Anshuman said...

it would be much different (and difficult) than europe hitting on american shores ... its a mean place out there (ha ha , somehow find this statement of mine funny), and its pretty hostile to explore and set up livable locales...

milieu said...

@l>t agree absolutely

Yes, the US should do more but I guess until the oil prices reach a certain level i.e. unless there is some economic incentive you might not see the government take any action. In that respect the european govts seem to be more forward looking.


It would be very difficult but if you go back to the 17th century europe and its technology, even discovering US and living there must have been such a difficult thing.

Dew Drops said...

coming from hawkins, that calls for caution *gasp*

he has given 100 yrs of time on earth, hopefully v wil find a solution by then

milieu said...

maybe we need the global warming and the threat of earth's destruction to make us rush to outer space. Otherwise we will be content to live here forever... ;-)

concerned citizen said...

I don't know If we'd ever be content here on earth.
I always think of cavemen looking up at the stars & reaching with their minds. How could humanity not do that? It is our nature.

Now who would go & who would stay on the dying planet? That is a question worth pondering.

milieu said...

Yes thats true...looking at a clear starry sky will make anyone curious about what lies out there and teases us to go over.

nevermind said...

nice blog. liked the caste post. gotta run. vl be back.